Lost Territories: Wordbook (LTA 1)

For the Lost Territories Wordbook, an unconventional literary lexicon of Soviet and post-Soviet terms and phenomena, Sputnik commissioned nearly one hundred short texts from twenty-one authors—essayists and journalists, novelists and poets, political scientists and historians, artists and curators—and then set about weaving their contributions into a patchwork collection of dispatches informed by the sorts of intimate and idiosyncratic perspectives that allow a reader to venture beyond the delimiting margins of a reference book’s academic detachment.
Ranging from the epochal to the anecdotal, and from the deadly serious to the quirkily offbeat, the Wordbook’s disparate entries share in common the potential to remind us that far from distorting the truth, the filtering of an objective reality through the grace and gravity of a subjective literariness may help to intuit that truth’s most unfathomable recesses and to grasp its most elusive contours.

Artists: Jan Brykczyński, Andrei Balco, Andrei Liankevich, Rafal Milach, Adam Panczuk, Michał Łuczak, Agnieszka Rayss;
Texts: Edwin Bendyk, Andrzej Brzeziecki, Sebastian Cichocki, Jörg Colberg, Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, V.L. Kadoch Brandt, Daniel Kalder, Wojciech Kucharczyk, Jewhen Mahda, Małgorzata Nocuń, Wojciech Nowicki, Stanisław Patrijew, Maciej Pisuk, Andrzej Poczobut, Taras Prochaśko, Filip Springer, Krzysztof Środa, Ziemowit Szczerek, Andrzej Tobis, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Serhij Żadan;
Project: Ania Nałęcka-Milach/ Tapir Book Design;
Publisher: Sputnik Photos, Warszawa, 2016;
ISBN: 978-83-941826-8-7;
Language: English, Polish;