
Strony/Pages is a platform where we comment on contemporary issues. It’s created by activists, writers, journalists and visual artists. 500 copies of each issue were distributed for free and are available to download online. The zine was accompanied by a series of visual art works in Warsaw’s public space.
Issue 01
We decided to dedicate the first issue of Pages to the environment, entrusting the concept and production to Michal Luczak. “My ambition is to stop being helpless in the face of the current, escalating situation in Poland”, he declares. In the first issue of Pages, Jacek Karczewski writes about the great massacre of birds by humans, Marta Sapala about the relief our climate needs so dramatically, which (she believes) is within our reach, while Aneta Prymaka-Oniszk describes the environment we create on a day-to-day basis by speaking and writing. Filip Springer looks at the geological strata hidden under the Suwalski Landscape Park, Olga Gitkiewicz walks around the city, and Michal Ksiazek writes to us from the very heart of the Camp for the Białowieza Forest. Tosia Piechota, a seven-year-old girl, makes her debut in Pages with her owl graphics. The issue also features Jacek Fras, whose comics close the first issue. The zine was accompanied by city-space billboards with works of the visual artists Diana Lelonek, Joanna Rajkowska, Michal Frydrych, and Andrzej Tobis.
Issue 02
The slogan of the second issue was ALIEN. In his opening text, Wieslaw Lukaszewski presents the mechanisms that force us to divide the world into us and them. Magdalena Kicinska writes about whether aliens have a gender today. Maybe she's a woman? Aleksandra Lipczak tells the story of Khalil, who once played basketball on one of the courts in Krakow. A Polish student asked him quite seriously: "Is it true that Afghans carry bombs in their backpacks?" Additionally, the Sputnik Photos Collective invited Honorata Martin, Wojtek Kucharczyk, Marcin Polak, Witek Orski, Wolfgang Tillmans and the Democracy Ilustrowana team to cooperate.
Issue 03
We dedicated the third issue of the Pages zine to the subject of truth and post-truth. Agnieszka Rayss who was in charge of this very issue, invited a philosopher, Krzysztof Poslajka, to collaborate on the content. His text presents us with both historical and very contemporary concepts of truth. Michał Luczak, a member of Sputnik Photos Collective, debuts with his article, in which he searches for an answer to a question if photography tells us the truth. Olga Gitkiewicz in her text recalls the most spectacular mystifications – both artistic and scientific ones.
The Pages project created by Sputnik Photos is accompanied by a website that we encourage you to visit: